Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Spiritual Gifts

For the past month or so there have been bright yellow sheets of paper in our church bulletins. I glanced at it a couple of times, but didn’t really give it much thought. And to be honest, one time I even used it as a wrapper for chewed gum. On this neon yellow sheet of paper there is a list of committees. We have quite a few committees in our church that are in need of new members.  So I was not surprised when a few Sunday’s ago my Pastor spoke about Spiritual Gifts. Well played, Pastor. Well played. All kidding aside, it was a beautiful message and a reminder for me. Because for a long time--way too long, I let fear dictate my every move and decision. Should I do this? What will people think? What if I fail? What if I am not good enough?

As we opened our Bibles to Romans Chapter 12. I knew I needed to pay close attention because my Heavenly Father had something for me there. I just had a feeling. I get those feelings a lot. You could say, I am sensitive to the Spirit. Or you could also say I’m nuts. (Insert Silly emoji here.) Both are true. Oh, you guys should know to take what I say with a grain of salt. Because I am mostly serious, and mostly kidding. Sometimes it’s hard to tell. Don’t be offended. Just laugh it off because that’s probably what I am doing too. Okay, back to Romans 12:6 “We have different gifts according to the grace given us. If a man’s gift is prophesying, let him use it in proportion to his faith. If it is serving, let him serve; if it is teaching, let him teach; if it is encouraging, let him encourage; if it is contributing to the needs of others, let him give generously; if it is leadership, let him govern diligently; if it is showing mercy, let him do it cheerfully.”

We are all gifted. We all have divine assignments. And this is something I have recently learned. So that’s one of the reasons this topic caught my attention. I was thinking about how I got here. “Here” being to today. This moment in my life where I wear so many different hats. The basic, but most important ones...being a mother, a wife, daughter, sister...etc. But more specifically, how I got to where I am professionally. The timeline blows my mind. I’ll take you down memory lane so you can understand just how strange I feel sitting here today. You should also note that if I use the word strange, I mean it in a good way.

Just yesterday, I caught glimpses of my past in my mind as I was fixing my hair for dinner. We were celebrating my husband’s 31st birthday with a family dinner. And I felt compelled to actually fix my hair. It’s very long and thick. So it’s not an everyday thing. My mind and memory drifted back to when my husband and I were first married. I would cook dinner and everything came from a box. Okay, full disclosure? It was pretty much Mac and Cheese and/or some type of canned veggie, and a protein of sorts. Which was probably way over cooked and under seasoned. My hubby was a trooper. He ate it and never complained. But guys, to say I was a terrible cook would be the understatement of the century. It was barely edible. Fast forward to present day; where I am cooking food for people as a side gig. People are paying me money to cook for them! If you would have said this is what I would be doing all those years ago when I was serving up boxed hamburger helper without the hamburger, I would have laughed really hard. Like pee your pants, hard. I did not have a desire or love for cooking. So how did I get here?

What’s amazing is God had already planted a seed in me. Even back then when I was burning all the things and making inedible banana bread. Said banana bread was sold at a bake sale to raise money for something important, I am sure. And I actually didn't know it was inedible until after I sold it. I kept a loaf for myself and when I cut a big ole’ piece to enjoy, that is when I learned one cannot make banana bread with GREEN bananas. Who knew? Oops. That person who purchased my not so tasty treat was going to be in for a terrible surprise. For that same bake sale I also decided to buy a bag of peanut butter cookie mix from the dollar store and whip that up. I burned 4 batches in a row. Apparently, I was a slow learner back then. Like…”Girl, put a dang timer on for goodness sake!” But I knew even in that moment that I wanted to be a better cook. Not to capitalize on my talent. But just to provide a home cooked meal for my family. That seed was planted. I had my daughter, Macy, and spent my entire maternity leave watching the Food Network. Rachael Ray’s, Thirty Minute Meals, was my jam. I jokingly say that I learned everything I know from Rachael and Giada. Because I really did. Just not in the way you’re probably thinking.

On my church’s list of committees needing new members, there sat the box next to Hospitality or Hostess. Some of the duties include providing food for church events and gatherings. Now, if this had been 7 years ago I would have skipped right over that box. That being said, if this was 7 years ago I wouldn’t have been sitting in that church, let alone signing up for a committee. 7 years ago when that seed was planted to learn how to cook, I was not in a great place spiritually. I have loved Jesus since I was 8 years old. But then life happened, hurt happened...lots of hurt from people you’d never in a million years would suspect. And I found myself in a place where I wasn’t sure what I believed. But because God is faithful He never gave up on me. He continued loving me and directing my path. Even when I took detour after detour, He was still there. No matter how many people in my life went back on their promises or continued to disappoint me. He never did. His promises are always kept and He always delivers. “No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 8:37-39 Let me reiterate that for you,


Do I deserve His constant unchanging love and promises? Can I earn those things? Nope. There is nothing I can do to earn these things. He offers them freely and without hesitation. He loves me more than I could ever imagine. And friend, He loves YOU the same.

I have learned that my dreams and desires are not all my idea. Some (if not all) of them were once small seeds my Heavenly Father planted. Some have come to fruition before my very eyes. And it’s mesmerizing. For example, writing this very blog post. I love to write, but I haven’t had the desire or urge to write anything in quite some time. I let fear get in the way. But just like many other times in my life, God has given me the courage to move forward. And not only did He give me the courage, He gave me an undeniable urge and desire to do so. For example, like waking up at 2AM to write because my mind won’t let me rest until I get it down on paper. Ideas flowing from every area and source of my life. So overwhelming and overtaking that I cannot think or do anything else in that moment. Every time I sit down to write I have an equal urge and desire to dive into His word. To read His truth and apply it to my life, to see His promises that have come to light, and to just simply be with Him. God loves us so much. He can’t wait to spend time with us. Even if it’s 2AM.

You might be curious about how to receive your gift(s) from God. Just simply be still and listen. Settle in at the feet of Jesus and ask; heart, eyes, and ears open and fixed on Him. I trained a women’s fitness class for 5 years. At the end of one of those classes as the ladies were lying worn out on their mats at the very end, we went through our daily devotional. In that moment, I felt a call to action. But I didn’t know what for exactly. However, I believe my Spirit knew. I threw my hands up and said ”Here I am Lord. Use me.” And I meant every word. Once you ask, be ready to take action and use your God-given gift. The beauty is, you don’t have to have all the answers. So, don’t second guess yourself. Don’t let fear try to come in and steal your joy. Stand firm on God’s promises. Open your Bible and read for yourself. “For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of sonship. And by him we cry, Abba, Father. The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children. Now if we are children, then we are heirs-- heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory.” Romans 8:15-17

Yes, you read that correctly. You, my friend, are royalty. A co-heir with Christ. Stand on that promise and you will be unsinkable. So repeat after me…”Here I am Lord. Use me.”


  1. I love this blog and your writing, and your journey! Bravo! If any of your friends are looking for a quick “spiritual gift” book a friend of mine wrote “The Gift of Giftedness” by Tracy Goyne and it can be purchased on Amazon. It’s a quick read and I sat at her feet (before she wrote the book) and learned years ago that my gift is serving. Thank you for sharing your gift!

    1. Cecilia, thank you so much for your kind words and your support! I will be looking for this book!
