Directionally challenged. Yeah, it's a thing. It's also hereditary. Ask me how I know this! I will never forget a few years back when my mom and I decided to take a quick weekend getaway to Amarillo to visit some family. It's about a 6 hour drive from us. As we were pulling out on the highway I asked my mom if she knew how to get there. She assured me she knew the way. We didn't need GPS. So being the ever so trusting daughter I am, I followed my mother's directions. A couple hours go by and we seem to be in uncharted territory.
"Ummm...Mom, are we lost?"
Her answer, "Yeah, I think so. I don't know why you would listen to me. You know I am directionally challenged."
We both laughed really hard because she was right! When giving her directions you have to use landmarks. Don't even think about using confusing words like north, south, east, or west. And to be honest, I am the same exact way. I am totally reliant on a GPS if I am going somewhere I am not 100% familiar with. Like mother, like daughter, I guess. I remember calling Greg, my husband, who is pretty much a human GPS. The man seems to know all the things. (Don't tell him I said that.) And he definitely uses words like north, south, east, and west. But he knows better to do that when he's talking to me. Left or right, Greg? Left or right! We finally got it figured out and on our way. That is a trip I will never forget. For so many reasons, but mostly because mom had 'the runs' and we pretty much stopped at every gas station between here and Amarillo. And FYI, those places are pretty sketchy, and I don't really recommend. Ha! Sorry, mom. Had to do it. Aw, memories. I love memories like that, don't you?
This specific memory (the one about getting lost, not the diarrhea) came right back to me as I was driving out in the middle of nowhere a couple of weeks ago. I was making a food delivery to a friend and she just so happens to live in the middle of nowhere. Like if you needed to hide a dead body, middle of nowhere. Maybe that's not the best explanation...but for reals. MIDDLE OF NOWHERE. I think you get the point. Anyway, I was good getting out there because I hooked up my GPS before I left civilization and everything downloaded just fine. But when I needed to get home, my signal icon just kept spinning and spinning...Until it said the dreaded words-- NO SERVICE.
Excuse me. What do you mean 'No Service'-- It's 2018 for goodness sake. How do they have wifi in the African Bush, but I can't get a dang signal in the middle of nowhere east Texas? A mini panic attack ensued. I couldn't simply go back the way I came because home was not in that direction. So I just started driving and listening to that still small voice. And all of a sudden, I wasn't panicking anymore. Things started to look familiar and I found my road that I needed to turn down. Whew...It's all good now.
The rest of the way home, I was enjoying the beautiful scenery and thinking...
How many times in life has your GPS failed. And no I am not talking about a literal GPS, but your internal GPS. Where you are stuck with 'zero service.' And you don't know which road to take or where to go next. I have been in this place many times in my life. And it seems like even more so, recently. I have been making transitions in my life. Walking away from relationships, jobs, labels, limiting beliefs...And all the while just wondering, is this the right road I am supposed to take? And there's been so many times where I have beat myself up because I thought I missed my road. I should have gone a different way. Or being fearful of missing an opportunity. Or missing my chance. Did I make the right choice? Did I make the right turn? And just feeling really lost. Like in the middle of nowhere.--With zero signal.
But what I have come to learn is anytime your internal GPS fails, all you have to do is look up.
Guys, the thing is none of us know for sure what road to take. But the bottom line is if your eyes are fixed on Jesus, He will get you where you need to go. If you trust that still small voice that you hear day in and day out. Some days it's harder to hear through all the chatter and thoughts. But if you will tune in to that frequency when you feel lost or confused or afraid...the Holy Spirit will guide you. He will be your GPS. So in those moments in life when you are really struggling or your confused and you don't know if you should go right or left...or where in the world is north?!
Just look up. Fix your eyes on Jesus. And listen to that still small voice. And they will get you where you need to go.
If you are not familiar with the Holy Spirit I want to encourage you to go check him out. I am a huge fan of his. And get this, He is a huge fan of YOURS too.
"...the Holy Spirit takes hold of us in our human frailty to empower us in our weakness. For example, at times we don't even know how to pray, or know the best things to ask for. But the Holy Spirit rises up within us to super-intercede on our behalf, pleading to God with emotional sighs too deep for words." Romans 8:26
With emotional sighs too deep for words. That makes giant crocodile tears well up in my eyes. And a lump lock in my throat. That He would do that for me. For me?
I know. You're like, "Bek (that's what my friends call me), how do I get me some of that?"
I'd love to chat, friend. Let's get coffee and I'll give you all the deets.
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