Friday, June 14, 2019

This Body

Have you ever thought about what your butt looks like upside down? neither.

This, my friends, is a real butt. It has not been altered to look perfect or insta worthy. It's got stretch marks and cellulite. And it's mine. I have worked hard for this butt...for this body. And it has equally worked hard for me. Why would I not love it? Why would I not speak life over it?

It grew three babies; two walking this earth and one walking with Jesus.

This body carries my spirit. The very spirit breathed into it by my Creator. It's a holy vessel that deserves to be honored and admired, not torn apart with negative self talk or abuse because it doesn't look a certain way.

This body tells me what I need and when I need it. When it's tired, I listen and rest it. When it's hungry, I eat to fuel it.

But has it always been this way? No, it hasn't. This body has endured abuse and hatred for many years. I thought my self-worth was tied to how it looked. It didn't matter if it was telling me it was tired or starving. I couldn't see past that image the world tells us our bodies should be.

My body gave me every indication something was wrong, but I didn't listen. My doctors gave me a bandaid for the illness, but never once...NOT ONCE...gave me an option to heal my body. They were more worried about treating the symptoms, than getting to the underlying issue.

This body was crying out for help. And finally I decided to listen, and do something about it. This body fought for me. How could I not fight for it? How could I not love it?

No matter where you are on your health journey, if it's day one or you're one day away from your health goal...choose to love your body Choose to honor it. Choose to fight for it.

And who cares if it's not what the world says is "perfect"-- It's yours. And it's freaking beautiful.

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