Sometimes you need to be still and let the Lord fight for you.
And then sometimes you need to stand up and armor up.
A few weeks ago, I have had two friends share with me how they felt like their families were under attack. I have been there too. Anytime our family is trying to go on vacation something happens. Someone will randomly puke. The poop hits the fan. Sometimes literally. I will never forget the time my sweet sister in law accidentally backed my then mini van into our ATV. The back glass completely shattered. Yes, this happened--The day before we were leaving for a family vacation. Bummer, right?
This story is actually even more hilarious. When Laura went to call the insurance company to explain what happened she told the lady that she had backed into a "Rhino"-- The lady on the phone was very concerned and asked "Is the Rhino okay?" Laura seeming very confused at the question and the tone, and then she started cracking up. “Oh, it's not an actual Rhino (the animal), it's an ATV.” So funny.
Anyway, the list goes on and on. Years ago when my kids were wee babes, Greg went out of town for work. The kids and I were gearing up for a week long trip to California to visit family. A few days before we were scheduled to fly out the stomach bug struck our house. Like "can't trust a fart" diarrhea, yall. And I was all by myself trying to hold down the fort. I remember stretching a tarp out on the living room floor and strategically placing trashcans and bowls around. It was super fun, guys. And then there was this one incident with my child and some footie pajamas. Trust me-- YOU.DONT.WANT.THE.DETAILS.
Ya'll parenting is freaking fun. It really is. I am cracking up just remembering that chaos. But alas, we survived and we made it to California. And it was a miracle (REALLY) because I never got sick. Even when I didn't know I needed my angels they were there. They have actually be hard a work since the day I was born. I have pushed my limits, to say the least. They have a full time job on their hands.
I look back and wonder "How am I still alive?" I remember being in a car with one of my friends as a teenager. we had snuck out of her house and went to a pasture party. For those of you not familiar with the term "pasture party" let me break it down for you. There's a pasture. And we had a party in it. And by party I mean music, maybe a bonfire, and most likely alcohol was involved. ***SHUTTER*** I know-- You are totally shocked that Rebeka Beavers would be at a pasture party. Pick your jaw up off the ground and remember we all gotta past. All of us. Sure, some of us have a less scandalous past, but dang don't be throwing stones when ya live in glasses houses, friends. Ya feel me? Back to my story. It was stupid late, or early really, and we were driving back home to sneak back in to her house. I remember thinking "THIS IS SO DUMB, REBEKA!" I wish I could say I never snuck out again, but...that wouldn't be true. My angels have earned their keep. And honestly, they still do on a daily basis. I am beyond thankful for them and their ever present help. Maybe it's not for safe travel home in the middle of the night from a pasture party anymore, but they still have their hand's full.
There have been many times where I felt like my family was under an attack or oppression of some sort. If you feel like the enemy is attacking you or your family pay close attention to that prompting. Press into it and ask Holy Spirit what you should do. The enemy does not like unity. He does not want us growing closer to one another—strengthening our bond. He will do whatever he can to prevent it.
My daughter, Macy is usually a way the enemy tries to provoke me. She represents so much to me, but simply put-- Macy is my JOY. And anytime he can steal my joy he tries. There have been many times when she was under attack and it would directly effect my joy. The Evil One is a sneaky one.
So what do we do?
Your hand to hand combat is not with human beings, but with the highest principalities and authorities operating in rebellion under the heavenly realms. Ephesians 6:12
The Passion Translation
Prayer is always a go-to for me. If I feel an attack or oppression I immediately rally my prayer warriors and we get to work. If you don't have a tribe of prayer warriors, friend, getcha some. And not that friend that just says “I’ll pray for you.” Get one that actually does. And be that friend for someone else. That’s when the game changes.
I love getting into Psalms and finding a prayer that resonates. I will literally pray it out loud. Walking through my house. In my car. Over my kids.
You guys, Get in His word. Grab your Bible and armor up. My favorite verse is God’s armor. My kids and I actually visualize ourselves putting on our armor. Wanna know something super crazy-- besides the fact that I used to go to pasture parties as a kid-- My pastor literally just preached on this subject on Sunday. I started writing this post weeks ago-- October 24, 2018 to be exact. I felt like his sermon was confirmation that this truth is much needed now more than ever. So everyday, put on your armor and teach your children to do the same.
Put on truth as a belt to strengthen you to stand in triumph. Put on holiness as the protective armor that covers your heart. Stand on your feet alert, then you'll always be ready to share the blessings of peace. In every battle, take faith as your wrap-around shield, for it is able to extinguish the blazing arrows coming at you from the Evil One! Embrace the power of salvation's full deliverance, like a helmet to protect your thoughts from lies. And take the mighty razor-sharp Spirit-sword of the spoken Word of God. Ephesians 6:14-18
The Passion Translation
Worship. Get your worship on, friends. This can look different for everyone. But our family does worship like this— Music cranked loud. I’ll list some of my favorites below. God uses music all the time to teach me and prompt me. It’s a language he knows I speak. And I love when he speaks to me through song.
The Lord your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in his love he will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing. Zephaniah 3:17 (NIV)
You have full authority over your family. The enemy does not have a leg to stand on, y’all. So take that attack and put it under your feet. In Jesus name, crush it. It has to leave. Because you, co-heir in Christ, has commanded it to get out. Step into who you are. In case you’ve forgotten, get in His Word and be reminded.
And lastly, here's some of our family's favorite worship music. You can follow me on Spotify at rebeka.beavers I will be compiling playlists for specific needs in the future. Maybe it could help you too! Crank it loud, friends. Or don't. Whichever you prefer. Sending you all love and light.

Who You Say I Am:
Mover Of Mountains:
Providence (Broke My Chains):
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